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Diet Plan for Weight Loss After Hysterectomy

You are here: Home / DIET PLAN / Indian Diet Plan After Hysterectomy Surgery (Foods to Eat and Avoid for Recovery)

A lot of you have been asking us to post an Indian diet plan after Hysterectomy surgery for faster recovery. So here it is. We have also mentioned about the foods to Eat and avoid for recovery after uterus removal surgery.

A hysterectomy is surgical removal of a woman's uterus. The uterus is the female organ located in the pelvis. It is responsible for the menstrual cycle and is a pouch to carry the fetus till it's born.

Indian diet plan after Hysterectomy surgery

Reasons for hysterectomy?

  • Uterine fibroid –  that cause pain, bleeding, or other problems
  • Uterine prolapse –sliding of the uterus from its normal position into the vaginal canal
  • Cancer of the uterus, cervix, or ovaries
  • Endometriosis
  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding
  • Chronic pelvic pain
  • Adenomyosis, or a thickening of the uterus

Hysterectomy is usually considered only after all other treatment approaches have been tried without success.

What to expect Post Hysterectomy Surgery?

During a hysterectomy, the uterus is removed partly or completely. Complete removal of uterus involves removal of ovaries too. This process is known as Hysterectomy. Generally, the ovaries are spared while performing a hysterectomy. This is so because ovaries produce estrogen.

Benefits of Oestrogen :

  • Oestrogen is a hormone that helps females to develop their feminine characteristics.
  • It also helps in maintaining cardiac health.
  • Estrogen plays a vital role in calcium absorption and deposition on to the bones.

During the natural menopause, estrogen levels lower gradually. However, surgical removal of the ovaries may cause estrogen levels to drop considerably. With ovaries removed during hysterectomy, you will start experiencing symptoms related to menopause, hot flashes, mood swings, and vaginal dryness.

Problems that you experience post hysterectomy:

  • Constipation
  • Excessive gas and bloating
  • Abdominal pain
  • Gut problems related to altered microbes

Most of the symptoms are because of the surgery and lack of estrogen. Also, calcium supplements lead to GI disturbances.

Importance of Indian diet plan after Hysterectomy surgery

An invasive surgical procedure such as a hysterectomy is likely to have long term effects on the physical and psychological health of a female. It also worsens the weight gain post-surgery. Eating the right foods can prevent complications. Right diet relieves constipation, high blood glucose, provides the necessary building blocks of protein your skin needs and promotes recovery.

Indian diet plan after hysterectomy surgery

The Importance of Nutrition

Post-surgery there is a requirement of calorie dense diet for a speedy recovery. Also after hysterectomy, there is a high risk of gaining weight. Thus, a healthy, balanced diet with plenty of lean proteins, grains, and legumes is what is required.

Aim of ourIndian diet plan after Hysterectomy surgery:

  • Foods that promote lean tissue repair and healing
  • Reduce IBS symptoms after hysterectomy
  • Managing constipation
  • Softening your stool after hysterectomy
  • Reduce gas and bloating after surgery
  • Weight loss
  • Reduce the menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, headache, osteoporosis
  • Heart-friendly diet

How to Lose Weight after Hysterectomy:

Before we see the Indian diet plan after a Hysterectomy surgery, here are a few dietary recommendations on how to lose weight after hysterectomy.

Fiber-rich diet:

  • A common side effect of a hysterectomy is irritable bowel syndrome. Hence eating foods that have plenty of fiber will ease the symptoms.
  • Most fruits and vegetables and whole grains are naturally high in fiber.
  • The recommendation is of around 5 -7 servings of colorful vegetables and fruits daily.
  • Few examples of high fiber vegetables are green leafy, kale, broccoli, brussels sprouts, eggplant, etc.
  • Fruits that you can include are avocados, oranges, sweet lime, berries, melons, papaya, apple, etc.
  • Whole grains, quinoa, oats, broken wheat, millets are all high in fiber. You can also include fiber fortified flours or flours with added brans.

Read – How to get instant relief from gas and indigestion

– Top 10 low carb but high Fiber recipes

Antioxidants are as important:

  • Colorful fruits and vegetables have ample of phytonutrients.
  • Phytonutrients are natural plant compounds that help boost immunity and prevent a range of chronic diseases, like cancer.
  • Choose red foods like strawberries and red peppers.
  • Green foods like broccoli and kale.
  • Purple cabbage and grapes
  • Yellow foods like ginger and lemon and
  • Orange color produces like carrots and mango.
  • These antioxidants help reduce stress and body fats, thereby leading to the maintenance of weight.

Read – Delicious sources of Antioxidants.

– Top 10 salad recipes for weight loss.

Drink Plenty of Fluids:

  • Increasing your fiber intake can lead to gas and bloating.
  • It is thus necessary to up the intake of water.
  • Drink at least 2 to 2.5 liters of water daily.
  • Thin buttermilk, infused water, dal water are all included in the fluids.

Read – Top 10 Detoxification water recipes for weight loss

Choose Healthy Protein and Fat:

  • After surgery, your body needs rebuilding of lost proteins.
  • You can select pulses, dals, low-fat milk and products, lean meat, poultry, and fish.
  • A moderately high protein pattern in your Indian diet plan after a Hysterectomy surgery will also help to reduce weight.
  • Dairy products help in regaining healthy gut bacteria. It is a sole provider of calcium and good quality protein for the vegetarians.
  • Consume at least 2 – 3 servings of milk and products daily.

Choose Healthy Fat:

  • There is no need to completely skip the fat in the diet.
  • Healthy polyunsaturated fats like groundnut oil, rice bran oil, canola oil or olive oil are good for cooking.
  • Omega 3 rich olives and olive oil, avocado, nuts, and seeds like flax are all good sources of healthy fats. Consume visible fats up to 20 – 30 gms daily.

Prevent Disease With Phytoestrogens:

  • After removal of ovaries or for that matter uterus too, there is early menopause.
  • This can cause a reduction in estrogen levels.
  • Thus, phytoestrogens help to mimic the estrogen properties in the body.
  • Though they are quite weak compared to normal estrogen, it helps to combat menopausal symptoms.
  • Include foods like methi, soy, soy milk, tofu, tempeh, and flax seeds.

Read – Benefits of Flax seeds.

Exercise and Physical Activity:

  • You notice a lot of fat deposition in the body post hysterectomy; especially around the abdominal region.
  • Minimum of 150 minutes of cardio exercise in a week is sufficient to solve this problem.
  • You can take up walking, swimming, cycling, jogging, dancing or cross fit training.


– Yoga for weight loss.

– Benefits of Walking.

– Cardio Vs Yoga Vs Strength training for weight loss.

Indian diet plan after Hysterectomy surgery:

Here is a sample Indian diet plan after Hysterectomy surgery. This diet plan will not only help you in recovering fast but also in losing all the extra weight from the body.

Indian diet plan after Hysterectomy surgery; Sample diet plan:

Empty stomach:

1 teaspoon soaked methi seeds with 1 cup warm water


1 bowl oats with milk, (add a pinch of cinnamon powder)

+ 3- 4 walnut halves


1 cup boiled moong OR

Cooked sprouts OR

2 egg whites OR

1 glass soy milk ( You can also have regular milk).


1.5 cup salad +

1 cup Quinoa +

Mix dal  1 cup +

1 cup vegetable +

1 glass buttermilk OR

2 pc chicken OR

1 pc fish


1 cup green tea +

3 Threptin biscuit OR

100 Gms fresh chena paneer with pomegranate


1 cup vegetable soup


1 cup salad +

2 Chapati OR

1 Bajra Roti +

1 cup vegetable +

A  cup of  Dal +

1 cup curd


A balanced diet is key to all health issues. Once you know how to balance your calories and prevent any nutrient deficiencies, weight loss becomes easy despite hysterectomy. Hence the right amount and type of exercise compliment the weight loss. Hope this  Indian diet plan after Hysterectomy helps you in achieving a healthy weight and lifestyle.

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RD, Payal Banka (Registered Dietitian)

Payal(पायल) is a Registered Dietitian with 15 years of experience. She is a Professional Blogger, Author, and a Youtuber. She is an MBA in Health care and Hospital management. Payal believes in healthy living. Here at Dietburrp, you will find her talking about health, weight loss, fitness, parenting, healthy cooking and how to keep yourself motivated to be healthy.

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Diet Plan for Weight Loss After Hysterectomy
